The ultimate guide to the LiveHealthy Festival 2021 Week of Wellness. Check out all of the discounts available here.

The first Veganuary was launched in 2014 by a UK non-profit and while the concept took a while to land in the UAE, restaurants are now falling all over themselves to get in on the Beyond Burger action. Special menus are all well and good, but whether the desire is to eat less meat is for reasons of health, animal welfare or global sustainability, diners need quality vegan options for the other 11 months of...

I’m yawning as if I haven’t slept in days. I’m struggling to string a sentence together. I can smell gas. I’m desperate for hard boiled eggs and cheese.  And I know what’s coming next.  For me, these and a host of other miserable, mind-boggling sensations and symptoms are the first warning signs of a migraine and the endless days of suffering that will accompany it.  My first migraine struck when I was seven years old....

Doctors call endometriosis 'the benign cancer' yet this painful condition which affects around one in 10 women was barely known in the UAE a decade ago. Treatment was often radical but awareness has spread rapidly through the Emirates Endometriosis League and the message is that no woman needs live in severe pain.



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