Whenever depression is written about, the most common recommendation is to seek help via a mental health professional. But with therapy — even the online version — costing hundreds of dirhams just for one session, that is just not an option for most of the population.  Despite the fact that globally, more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression, according to the World Health Organisation, it has taken a pandemic for everyone...

My reasons for attempting a 72-hour water fast? An experiment to explore the power of the mind. It is not a weight-loss strategy.  There is an impressive body of evidence pointing to the health benefits of fasting, including improvements in metabolism, lowering the risk of certain cancers, heart disease and diabetes, and overall increased longevity. It’s recommended that you only do it for no longer than 72 hours; anything beyond that would typically require medical consent....

Friendships are a bond of great force and impact. They transcend geography, life shifts and many emotional phases. And it’s one of the greatest joys in life.  During the pandemic, the bedrock of our collective sanity were the friendships we could dial into over Zoom or embrace at a social distance. It has been a period of helping one another fill in the blanks and pluck each other out of high to low levels of...

The clean, green movement and the desire for cleaner, sustainable products are growing and the beauty industry is no exception

In the Livehealthy series, “My work,” we delve into how people deal with job stress. We do this anonymously so people can be totally honest about their experiences without fear of reprisal. For this piece, and to celebrate International Nurses’ Day, a psychiatric nurse at a government hospital in Bahrain recounts her experience to Georgie Bradley. The work day for a nurse is never a straight eight hours. Something always come up, especially when you think...



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