Theta Healing Dubai

Getting creative in Dubai with Theta Healing 

Victoria Parrucci, a 30-year-old Argentinian, originally landed in Dubai to work in the food and beverage industry. Then, the self-taught artist had a Theta Healing session and decided to learn the technique, which is part meditation and part pan-religious spiritual philosophy. Theta Healing was created by an American mother of three named Vianna Stibal in 1995, who claimed she used it to heal from cancer. She then went on to teach it to others. Next year, Parrucci, who originally got her certification through the TKholistic center in Dubai, plans to be among them. 

For some Theta Healing may seem “out there,” but there are thousands of practitioners, including a number in Dubai. The practice is rooted in neuroscience, in the lower frequency theta brainwaves that dominate in humans when they are asleep or in deep meditation.

For the last year, Parucci has been using Theta Healing to teach monthly Intuitive Creativity sessions at thejamjar community arts space in Dubai’s Alserkal. After a Theta Healing meditation, participants are encouraged to paint with India inks. The idea is that the Theta Healing meditation first breaks down natural inhibitions, doubts and stress, creating a pathway toward pure creativity and it’s proving popular, with more than 200 people attending so far.

“Very often we see students coming out of it saying that they came in not knowing how to draw,” says Camille Despalle de Béarn, thejamjar’s head of projects and programming. “But then they start drawing on the canvas and they didn’t care what it would look like and honestly can’t believe that it would look so good.” 

Parucci met LiveHealthy recently, and spoke to us about changing brain cycles, Theta states, meditation and prayer, creativity and the search for emotional and physical wellbeing. 

Theta Healing Dubai Victoria Parucci
Victoria Parrucci teaches Intuitive Creativity using Theta Healing at Alserkal’s thejamjar/Photo courtesy thejamjar

Can you explain how Theta Healing makes you feel?

We use meditation that’s been designed to trigger your brain and put you into a Theta brain wave state, which is known as a spiritual brainwave. From that state of mind, from that peace, you get inspiration, you get messages, you can manifest, you can create. So, for each workshop we create a message for the workshop, we discuss it quickly and then meditate about releasing something in particular. 

How does Theta Healing work?

Through meditation, we ask our subconscious mind to give us a positive message and we paint it with India ink. Theta healing modality was developed by Vianna Stibal, who has been through a lot in her life. We don’t really heal anybody, we just witness self-healing. I work a lot with the mind, with understanding how beliefs and patterns form in your mind and I just change them for something positive. I guide the meditation and from there I ask on a group level to heal, because the healing that we do at thejamjar is on a group level.

What happens during the group sessions? 

To start off, I do a general healing on the things that the group really needs to release on that day. We create our own reality and this is super-empowering, because you’ve got the power to change your reality. Theta Healing is a journey through your soul, through your mind. It’s quieting the mind as well and listening to different messages in yourself and the reality you create. I also do one-on-one sessions where the process is the same, but on a more personal level.

How do people feel afterwards?

When we start a session, everybody is going to be very quiet and very nervous. After the meditation everybody is hugging each other, everybody is smiling.  You just see love everywhere.

How much of Theta Healing has to do with a subject’s frame of mind?

It is a journey. Theta Healing has a lot of magic in it but the truth is you have to make a decision to heal. You can come to have a session and I witness things happening to your body energetically, but until you decide that “I’m done with my drama and with being a victim and I’m going to live in the now,” nothing can be accomplished. It is always a decision. For me everything has a solution. Once you start, it is like using a muscle: the more you use it, the easier it becomes and then magic happens. 

  • Victoria Parrucci’s Theta Healing sessions at thejamjar are held on the first Thursday of the month from 7.30 to 9.30pm. The cost is Dh189. She’s also on Instagram

This interview has been edited and condensed.

Featured image Victoria Perucci/Courtesy thejamjar is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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