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Time to get your flu shot again


Fear of Covid-19 has taken over our lives, sometimes eclipsing concerns about other illnesses. One of these is the regular flu. Now, with the sniffles season upon us, doctors strongly urge that everyone who can should get their flu shot. In Abu Dhabi, several health centers are offering shots.

Free vaccinations are available at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi on Al Maryah Island (bring your Emirates ID and/or health insurance card). Vaccinations can also be had at Intercare Health Center in Marina Village.

Influenza strains change from year to year. So last year’s vaccine may not work against strains in circulation this year. That’s why you must get a new shot every year.

Beyond that, safe practices to guard against the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 apply as much against the flu: Wear a mask in public; wash your hands frequently with soap and water, but if that is not possible then use hand sanitizers; and above all else, practice social distancing.

At a time of pandemic, we should all take whatever precautions are available against other illnesses. This is simply about lowering risk.

Some people, however, are medically advised against the flu shot. If you are unsure, check with your doctor.

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