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More good news you need on Covid-19

good news covid-19


Lockdown, self-isolation, personal protective equipment – the lexicon of Covid-19 is everywhere. With much of the world now in the second month of some kind of restriction, tempers are fraying, but the best part of humanity continues to rise to the surface. Here is more good news from the pandemic.

The Together We Are Good campaign by the Authority of Social Contribution – Ma’an is a resounding success. More than 8,000 people have signed up as volunteers and donations, both big and small, have flooded in.

Hotels in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain are making more than 1,000 hotel rooms available for free to medical personnel who are on standby duty or who need to isolate themselves away from their families. The Millennium Group, Royal Rose, Park Rotana and City Seasons in Abu Dhabi and the Ayla in Al Ain are among the places where medical workers can get a good night’s sleep. The Bin Ham group, which owns the Royal Rose and City Seasons, is throwing in free meals and room service, too. The International School in Abu Dhabi is also offering free accommodation in the scheme, which is co-ordinated by Ma’an.

Adel Ali Baslaib, chief executive of Arabian Company Group has pledged Dh3 million. He is also donating all the furniture currently in warehouses from his Arco interiors company, to be used to improve comfort in quarantine sites. Dr Bhaskar Dasgupta, a British resident, is offering to provide Dh500 to Dh1,000 a month for families who have a reduced income due to health and economic challenges.

Two young Emirati boys – Ahmed Yehia Al Hashimi, seven, and Meshal Mubarak Al Rashedi, eight – have contributed  Dh1,000 to the program to provide aid to those who need it. The two young friends urged others to follow their example “as a national duty.”

Etihad Airways is collaborating with Emirates Red Crescent to provide and deliver more than 70,000 meals a day to isolated residents who need help. 

Some of the other good news happening: 

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