Dr Ioannis Delipalas, Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Director at Thrive Wellbeing Centre

Issa Salem Issa SalemDecember 2, 2020n/a1 min
عرض المقال بالعربية
The LiveHealthy Podcast
The LiveHealthy Podcast
Dr Ioannis Delipalas, Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Director at Thrive Wellbeing Centre

Livehealthy.ae multimedia editor, Issa Salem, Zooms with Dr. Ioannis Delipalas, who is the new Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Director at Thrive Wellbeing Centre in Dubai. Wrapping up Movember, the two discuss men’s health, namely why men don’t go to the doctor enough, the interrelatedness of the body and mind, medication and the need to reframe a mindset influenced by toxic masculinity.



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