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Putting the fun back in exercise with Fit Bhangra

Dance has never been one of my strong points. I am way too tall, and far too uncoordinated.   

So, the idea of trying a fitness-focused form of bhangra, an energetic Indian folk dance that involves lots of fast high kicks and leaps, is a little intimidating.  

Abu Dhabi’s Fit Bhangra group turns out to be the least daunting environment imaginable. Everyone is welcoming, the music is infectiously upbeat, and I smile so much my jaws are aching after.  

Mixing tradition with fitness  

Co-founder Jasmit Singh Rehnsi tells me that he and his sister have practiced bhangra ever since they were children. However, it wasn’t until they moved to Dubai for college that they realized how vast the UAE’s bhangra scene is.  

“There were so many cultural dance clubs in Dubai, and one bhangra group in particular had a really huge following,” he explains. 

“So, when we graduated, my sister and I decided to start something similar in Abu Dhabi.” 

The pair launched Fit Bhangra in 2018, way back before the current global trend for “Power Bhangra” (fitness-focused bhangra) had really begun. 

But having played sport all his life, including cricket for Abu Dhabi, Jasmit recognized that the dance could be turned into an effective, yet immensely enjoyable, workout.  

“You can get really fit practicing bhangra. There’s a lot of jumping, squatting, leg lifts and cardio involved,” he notes.  

“We make every session different, so people never get bored. We do a mix of traditional and fusion bhangra, and we sometimes incorporate small dumbbells, resistance bands and other equipment. Lots of places do bhangra dancing in the UAE. But it’s the fitness aspect that makes us unique. With Fit Bhangra you can burn up to 600 calories in one hour.” 

It doesn’t take long to see what he means. The step drills and routines have me sweating in no time, and my quads and glutes burn afterwards.

Accessible for all ages  

Image courtesy Fit Bhangra

Some of the long-time members are incredible dancers, but Jasmit is a patient and skillful coach who knows how to cater to beginners, too. 

The classes are mixed with men and women; the youngest participant to date was just six years old, while the oldest was 61.   

Jasmit says: “Our sessions have a happy and homely vibe. We’re all like family and we’ve created a real community. It’s not like I’m teaching clients, it’s like I’m working out with my friends. We don’t do it because we want to perform or win competitions. Our members are HR managers and accountants, we’re all just in it for fun and fitness.”  

Most of the participants come from different parts of India, but they’ve also welcomed guests from Russia, UK, Egypt and other Arab countries.   

“One Emirati girl has been coming to us since we started. Initially, she came wearing an abaya and she didn’t want to be in any of the videos. But now that her parents know about her dancing, she is more open and relaxed,” he adds.  

Changing lives with bhangra

Along with being a great way of losing weight and getting fit, Fit Bhanga has helped many people develop a greater sense of self-worth. 

“Before joining us, some of our members were very shy and they would spend most of their time at home,” he continues.   

“But it’s been amazing to see their confidence develop. They used to be the kind of people who would sit by themselves in a corner at a party. But now they are the life and soul of every party and their social media channels are full of videos of them dancing. They’re so much happier.” 

In fact, with bhangra, the number one rule is to never stop smiling.   

“Keep a big grin on your face, and pop your shoulders with the beat. The rest of it will come with time,” says Jasmit. 

Fit Bhangra plans to expand to Dubai soon. Dubai residents can also attend various bhangra classes organized by Pure Bhanga, while the Bollywood dance sessions at Nisha Dance Center also include elements of bhangra.  

• Fit Bhangra classes are Sundays and Wednesdays at Steps and Strings Institute, Al Najda Street, and Tuesday and Thursday at Dee Studio, Hamdan Street, Abu Dhabi, from 7.30pm to 9pm. Classes are Dh40 per person, or Dh300 for unlimited sessions per month.   To find out more, follow on on Instagram.  

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