Kayla Itsines is not a fitness influencer

The LiveHealthy Podcast
The LiveHealthy Podcast
Kayla Itsines is not a fitness influencer

Kayla Itsines has been a trailblazer in the women’s fitness industry since launching her original high intensity program (BBG) for women and co-founding the Sweat app in 2015. She has built one of the largest online female fitness communities in the world, reaching millions of women globally with her signature programs. Straight-talking and motivating, Kayla’s mission is to help women discover how good exercise can feel, and give them the tools and confidence to make

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Courtney Black

Courtney Black: ‘It’s my responsibility to educate girls about fitness and nutrition’

After spending a decade building a substantial online following as one of the UK’s leading fitness influencers, Courtney Black is taking her work offline, into schools in both Britain and the UAE.  Aiming to improve knowledge of fitness and healthy eating among teenage girls, in particular, Black has already delivered talks at some schools in Dubai and after recently moving to the UAE full-time, is now hoping to roll out a more extensive program across

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