The first Covid-19 vaccine to be produced in the Arab region will be called Hayat-Vax – and the assembly line is already rolling out two million doses per month. The joint venture between the UAE, the Chinese firm Sinopharm and the Abu Dhabi-based technology company G42 launched this week, producing the vaccine with its partner Julphar. The KIZAD-based plant will have three filling lines and five automated packaging lines and once it reaches production capacity,...

A multinational survey of 70,000 people finds people obey public heath directives not because they fear catching the virus but because they fear getting into financial difficulties.

It’s not vaccines that save lives, it’s the act of vaccination, and that requires an unprecedented global effort to make sure all countries are covered, not just the richest ones.  The epidemiological and economic imperatives of equitable vaccination distribution marked the opening of the two-day virtual World Immunisation and Logistics Summit organized by the Hope Consortium, the Abu Dhabi-led mass vaccine distribution program.  “The scale of what’s needed in terms of the number of vaccinators,...

A rugby injury left special needs teacher Mike Ballard paralyzed from the waist down. But despite being the "wrong shape," he is now aiming for the Olympics, this time as a kayaker.



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