Not all vitamin supplements are created equal. Here's how to distinguish the high-quality products from the less reputable ones.

Wearing wet socks to bed is like magic when it comes to treating colds and flu, especially for children.  This may sound crazy, but wet socks are one of the best tools that naturopaths have for strengthening the immune system and helping loved ones bounce back quickly from a cold or flu. Mothers have been doing this for years, too.  Wet socks are a simple hydrotherapy technique, which is especially effective for relieving nasal congestion,...

Stressed out? Trouble sleeping at night? Muscle spasms? Blood sugar problems? If you have these symptoms, then you are probably deficient in magnesium.  Nicknamed the “calming mineral,”  a lack of magnesium is one of the most common mineral deficiencies that I see in my patients.  The body tends to burn through it when the person is stressed out. And who isn’t stressed out these days? We live in a world of constant busyness and an...



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