While many enjoy the reflective, spiritual and community aspects that are part of Ramadan, they struggle with moodiness and fatigue, which they attribute to lack of food or water during the day. The truth is that being “moody” and “tired” probably is the result of people experiencing withdrawals from addictive substances, dehydration, poor sleep, lack of exercise and eating poorly at sunset.  The research is conclusive: fasting, when done right, is healing and restorative for...

So much of our life has changed in the last few years. The world as we know it is no longer the same — what is important to us, who we spend time with, how we travel, how we plan, how and where we work, as well the days we work and spend time with our family have all changed suddenly. And as much as we struggled (and complained), we all adapted to all the...

We feel increasingly lonely in our world. Some people blame loneliness on invasive social media and others blame it on pervasive technology.  And while these two factors are major culprits for how disconnected we feel from each other, one of the main reasons for our loneliness is that we are disconnected from ourselves. So when we take the disconnection from the self and throw in the rise of filters, plastic surgery, and the objectification of...

As a culture, we are not very good at handling grief. We want to get on with things or be grateful for what we have, or not be stuck in the past, and so we quickly try to brush the grief under the carpet and move forward into the future. But as it goes with any emotion, if it is not acknowledged or processed, grief stays inside you and eventually blocks your ability to engage...

The holiday season can be overwhelming and overstimulating. With our regular routines not in place, children out of school, healthy diets put on hold, while we are dealing with the hectic pace of traveling or tourists, holiday parties and family gatherings, it is easy for things to start to feel emotionally flooded. And for empaths, introverts and highly sensitive people, as well as those who typically spend a lot of time alone, this flood of...



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