Parents can't protect their kids from all the worlld's ills but they can teach them the importance of boundaries and use appropriate terms and language.

My parents tried to limit the time I spent watching TV when I was young. It wasn’t easy for them. Now screens are everywhere and the battle to minimize time spent on them has become even more difficult.  We can’t control the fact that screens are here to stay, but we can help our children better navigate a screen-filled world. The most important thing to remember is the importance to children of face-to-face interaction, which...

When to give a child their first “connected device” — aka a smartphone or any gadget that connects to the internet — has become one of the biggest decisions any parent will make.  Even if it’s a gaming console, e-reader or smartwatch, parents are aware that all of these devices are capable of connecting their child to a world of people and information at all times.  Any misstep might end with information about your child...

The coronavirus has meant that we are spending more time at home than we ever have. Children are doing their school lessons from home. Parents are doing their jobs from home. It’s crowded, it’s overwhelming and it’s exhausting. No wonder screen time rules have gone out the window. The World Health Organization states that screen time for children aged between two and five should not exceed 60 minutes a day. Those under two should not...

Proper nutrition and physical activity are the foundation to a healthy body. But that’s a hard formula to teach our young ones. Junk food is everywhere and resisting temptation is difficult, especially for children. Whether it’s a celebration or a simple night at home, cakes, cupcakes, pizza and sodas seem to be a regular part of the fun.  As a physical education teacher and a health promoter I see my students come to class in...



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