Aakanksha Tangri, Re:Set

Re:Set aims to change mindsets

Aakanksha Tangri was already a successful journalist when she decided to launch Re:Set, an online platform hosting dialogues with experts in mental health, education, entrepreneurship and ender issues.

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9 of the best self-help books around

Bibliotherapy: 6 tried and true self-help books

“The place of the cure of the soul.” — Inscription along the shelves of one of the wonders of the ancient world, the Great Library of Alexandria in Egypt (285–246 BC). A 2017 study published in the journal International Research in Higher Education found that bibliotherapy — using books (i.e. self-help books) to treat mental or physiological disorders — can have positive results when it comes to dealing with depression, anxiety, self-harm, panic disorders and relapse

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