6 ways to avoid injuries, aches and pains  

Sport and exercise bring multiple benefits, but everyone who lives an active lifestyle has inevitably experienced an injury or two at some point in their lives.   Whether it’s a pulled muscle, a sprained ankle or a dislocated shoulder, high-impact activities can sometimes take their toll on our bodies.   Thankfully, there are many simple things that we can do to make exercise less stressful on our joints and muscles, and ultimately suffer less injuries, aches and

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Dr Tamara Ghazi wants you to lean into your pain

The LiveHealthy Podcast
The LiveHealthy Podcast
Dr Tamara Ghazi wants you to lean into your pain

Dr Tamara Ghazi is an Arab-Canadian doctor of chiropractic, and co-founder and director of the Diversified Integrated Sports Clinic (Disc) which has locations in Dubai, Kuwait and most recently, Abu Dhabi’s Sheikha Fatima Park. Tamara specializes in myofascial pain and treating scar tissue; she’s also an avid athlete, long-distance runner, cycler, weightlifter and CrossFit enthusiast. She joins Livehealthy editorial director Ann Marie McQueen to talk all about hurting ourselves, where pain comes from, and the

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heal injury faster

9 ways to heal injury faster and better

Whether you’re recovering from a massive injury or simply misjudged a yoga pose, there are simple ways to promote healing on your own after getting hurt — and to avoid making anything worse. We went to the experts in physiotherapy and rehabilitation — here in the UAE and beyond — to find out what they are.  When MoveU’s Michael Wasilisin started posting videos showing stretches to help prevent and recover from injuries, he never expected

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