Lightworkers of Abu Dhabi

Lightworkers Abu Dhabi want to help you heal

It can be hard to find a community in Abu Dhabi, let alone a sense of calm or contentment. There are so many different cultures to navigate and as in any other city, everyone is in a rush. That leaves little time – or energy – for healing and personal development, even if people are hungry for it. Enter the Lightworkers Abu Dhabi, a group of 90 women and men who have joined forces to boost

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International Stroke Day arias at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi

Louise Ryan did everything right: the British opera singer, who has performed with the UAE National Symphony Orchestra, eats well, exercises regularly and manages her stress. But in February last year, she experienced the worst headache of her life and after being rushed to hospital, found out she had a type of aneurysm known as a subarachnoid hemorrhage — a very rare form of stroke in which there is bleeding into the brain. She underwent

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Related Stories is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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