
4 simple ways to be good to your heart

On a day devoted to the romantic beating of our heart, it’s also worth remembering that it actually keeps us alive, too. Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death globally for both men and women, so having a healthy heart is a life-long commitment, regardless of age, gender or nationality.  While we can’t be sure what the future holds for us, Dr Syed Sakib, specialist interventional cardiologist at Fakeeh University Hospital, says the secret

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Wearables help you calm down and listen to your heart

We might be aware that stress is a global issue, with one in three people experiencing a lot of worry, as well as psychological and physiological symptoms caused by stress. But aside from the psychological and physiological symptoms caused by stress; over time, the physical strain can contribute to a variety of health problems if it is not managed well, and one of those is heart disease. With the growing number of heart health problems

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Heart disease hits people a decade younger in the region

Advanced heart problems are becoming more common in younger people throughout the region, a situation that directly relates to poor lifestyle habits. “In this region, we see patients presenting with severe heart conditions almost a decade earlier than in the West,” says Dr Faisal Hasan, a staff physician in the Heart and Vascular Institute at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi. “We see a significant number of patients in their 30s and 40s with cardiovascular problems and in

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