imposter syndrome

Got imposter syndrome? Welcome to the club

We all struggle with self-doubt from time to time, but some people live with a constant fear that their professional success is a house of cards that could come tumbling down at any moment. They believe that their success is just a series of lucky draws because they are not inherently able or competent, and if and when people find out what they are really capable of — they will be exposed as a fraud.

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Gaj Ravichandra: ‘What is in my control and what do I do next?’

Gaj Ravichandra is an organizational psychologist, career, mindset and peak performance coach and a mental toughness expert, as well as co-founder of Compass Consultancy. He splits his time between Sydney and Dubai helping a roster of international clients with everything from overcoming self-doubt and imposter syndrome, to job search and interview skills, to mental toughness and resilience, all through the lens of psychology. He brought some of his top tips for tackling change – an apt topic

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