fasting Ramadan healing

How fasting helps us heal

While many enjoy the reflective, spiritual and community aspects that are part of Ramadan, they struggle with moodiness and fatigue, which they attribute to lack of food or water during the day. The truth is that being “moody” and “tired” probably is the result of people experiencing withdrawals from addictive substances, dehydration, poor sleep, lack of exercise and eating poorly at sunset.  The research is conclusive: fasting, when done right, is healing and restorative for

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Middle East Arthritis Foundation

Busting myths and managing arthritis pain 

Arthritis is a broader term covering more than 100 diseases, which come with an assortment of pain, inflammation, swelling, stiffness, redness, warmth, tenderness and joint deformity. One in every five people in the UAE is diagnosed with some form of it.  Arthritis is often referred as the silent disease, as some people might be living with it — and in pain — without even knowing. That’s why creating awareness is crucial, so fewer people with

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Luka Jurkovic REVIVE EQ cryotherapy

How cryotherapy can help boost your immune system 

Tired of squeezing fresh orange juice and swallowing countless dietary supplements? There’s another way to help your body heal and boost its immune system: full-body cryotherapy.  Strictly speaking, cryotherapy is any treatment that uses freezing temperatures to treat the body. Think cold showers, plunge pools and ice packs used to treat bumps and bruises on the sports field. Or ice baths, a core principle of the Wim Hof Method and a favourite method used by

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Related Stories is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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