Lumen metabolic flexibility

How can metabolic flexibility improve your health?

Metabolic flexibility — a buzz phrase of late — describes the body’s ability to switch between using carbs and fat for energy, depending on availability. Improving this metabolic flexibility is being touted as the key to healthier living, through losing or maintaining weight naturally, promoting a better immune system, increasing your ability to build lean muscle, feeling more energized, feeling fuller for longer, improving performance and avoiding blood sugar spikes.  So how can we improve

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Mad about macros

The latest buzzword in the world of health and fitness is ‘macros,’ which is short for ‘macronutrients.’ But what are macros and how can they help you to achieve your nutrition and exercise goals? Macros are the basic components of nutrition – the fat, protein and carbs needed to fuel the body and keep all its systems working. We caught up with Michael Sole, founder of the popular gym and fitness facility The Den in Dubai’s

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Related Stories is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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