Dr Lamees Hamdan

Toxic masculinity hurts men’s health: ‘Boys don’t cry’

Dr Lamees Abu Hlaiqa is an Emirati physician and executive trainer, public health expert and social media activist. She has her own podcast, Ask a Doctor with Dr Lamees. She is also a board member of the Bahr Cultural Foundation and a member of Livehealthy’s expert panel. In this translated episode of The Livehealthy Podcast (Arabic), Dr Modia Batterjee talks to Dr Lamees about the effect of toxic masculinity on men’s physical and mental health

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‘Most men never take the time to just stop and breathe’

Carlos Mendez Esquivel understands what it is to be a yoga skeptic. When his brother came back from college at age 18 expounding the virtues of the practice, he laughed off it off as just a way to meet girls.  Fast forward two decades and Mendez is very much a convert. After going through a period of significant stress and anxiety in his life, his doctor in Mexico recommended he try yoga. That was 11

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male cancers

How to fight men’s reproductive cancers

More than two-thirds of men living in the UAE are at risk for advanced prostate and testicular cancer because they don’t know the symptoms and they don’t go to the doctor. This comes from a survey of 1,000 residents commissioned by Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, which is  part of the hospital’s annual Movember-related men’s health campaign ‘MENtion It.’ “Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide, while testicular cancer is the most common

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men's health

MOVEMBER: 5 reasons men should see a doctor

As part of the annual #MENtion It campaign, doctors at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi are encouraging men to have regular check-ups and to see their doctor if they have any health concerns. Now in its second year, the initiative is a particular priority in 2020, when people around the world have skipped medical appointments or avoided going to hospital because of travel restrictions or the worry caused by the global Covid-19 pandemic. A recent study

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Movember main

Movember is growing across the Middle East

Freddie Mercury. Tom Selleck. Hulk Hogan. Aside from the fact that they are a trio of great entertainers, all three have provided moustachioed inspiration for men around the world all November long. Whether wispy, bushy, handle-barred or carefully sculpted, more men than ever have been sporting moustaches in recent weeks as part of a men’s health campaign that has gone global. Movember was launched in Australia in 2003. It consists simply of encouraging men to

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