‘I use EFT to clear fear’

Dr Rasha Al-Dabaan is a certified coach in Saudi Arabia who specializes in the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) — aka tapping — and has a passion for mindfulness and breathing. She chose her field while searching of peace and security in her life so that she could deal with difficult situations more comfortably, and then focused her skills to help people get through their dentist visits, particularly children. She joined The Livehealthy Arabic Podcast to explain

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Change your thoughts

The power of thought: ‘The mind is an incredible tool’

The mind is a powerful thing. It conjures up unwanted thoughts that are so tenacious that, try as we might, we cannot shift them. It defines our perception of ourselves and our surroundings, even if that perception is harmful. But you can banish those thoughts and change the way you view the world, using that same power of the mind. All it takes is a few tweaks, says clinical hypnotherapist Laila Saif.  A simple exercise

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