MEN-tality Kori Lindsay and Manny Djorner

MEN-tality: ‘We don’t sit down and hold hands and sing kumbaya’

Kori Lindsay and Manny Djorner are co-founders of MEN-tality, which they formed after personal challenges and some deep conversations to help support men in Dubai. They do their work through the twice a month MEN-tality podcast, which you can also find on YouTube, through MEN-tality events, Brotherhood DXB Meetups – for men only – and also through personal training, coaching and community events.  Kori is a trainer who worked in commercial gyms and launched his

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men's mental health

Time for a Movember mental health check

I have a knack for social experiments. And so when I announced to a group of my male friends from the UAE and broader Arab region that I was seeking a therapist for my mental health, I was conducting one. The response? An awkward silence that filled the room. Another Movember is upon us, a month that has gone far beyond growing a mustache for prostate cancer to raise awareness for men’s whole health. Still, many of

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men's mental health

Men’s mental health: ‘Seek help early’

This article is published as a series marking Movember, a month highlighting men’s mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Pete Davidson, a standup comic and regular on the American sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live, may be living it up with Kim Kardashian now, but he has had some very public struggles with mental health. Davidson has been frank about having borderline personality disorder and depression with suicidal thoughts, even in

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Over 40? Start seeing a urologist now

This article is published as a series marking Movember, a month highlighting men’s mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. If you’re a man in your 30s or older, seeing a doctor or getting a checkup is most likely the last thing on your mind when you have a million other things to worry about. But, if recent data is anything to go by, it is the most critical thing you can

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Related Stories is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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