gut health

Gut health, human connection and trauma

The condition of your gut could be a clue that within you resides unresolved trauma or prolonged states of emotional distress, such as shame or fear. One must be open to the possibility that our bodies hold the answers to questions that we don’t always know how to ask. According to a survey by the Dubai Health Authority’s Preventive Services Center, almost one in four UAE residents suffer from digestive ailments, while irritable bowel syndrome

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‘Even the smallest act of kindness is a big gesture’

“Kindness is something anyone can give without losing anything themselves.” It was this thought that inspired a session I delivered recently for a workshop my company offers off-site meeting. The client selected the topic, kindness, and what followed was a 30-minute mini-workshop spun off from a Gifting & Thoughtfulness workshop my company offers.  The objective of the session was to challenge everyone to incorporate a little more kindness into their everyday lives, and to make this

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Related Stories is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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