clinical trials

How drug trials actually work

At a time when the entire world is undergoing the largest vaccination program ever rolled out by modern medicine, it has never been more important to understand how drug trials actually work. In general, trials of new drugs or treatments boil down to a simple analysis of risk versus benefit — do the benefits of taking a certain drug outweigh the risks? Finding out is a methodical business, which goes something like this. Before any

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Covid-19 Sinopharm vaccine

WHO approves Sinopharm Covid-19 vaccine

The World Health Organization has approved the Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use, providing international recognition and paving the way to help lower-resource countries vaccinate their populations.The news came at the end of a week in which National Crisis and Emergency Management Authority spokesperson Dr Saif Al Dhaheri told the weekly UAE Government media briefing that almost 70 percent of people over 16 have been vaccinated, to the tune of 10.7 million doses. The UAE also

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Israel, the West the vaccines inequality issue

Imagine this scenario: Concerned about Joe Biden’s Middle East policy and the International Criminal Court’s decision to investigate war crimes in the West Bank and Gaza, Israel decides to get on everyone’s good side and announces that it will vaccinate the entire Palestinian population against Covid-19. Such a decision would be an instant public relations victory. But dream on. While Israel is among leaders in the world in inoculating its population, it has shown no inclination toward

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