Over the years, I have noticed an increasing number of people reporting that they are struggling with procrastination. Delaying tasks and not doing what we planned to do not only affects our ever-present  to-do list, but also our self-esteem and self-worth. We stop trusting ourselves and lose faith in our ability to show up for ourselves.   I believe what most people are calling procrastination is actually a problem with distraction or, even worse, an addiction...

So many of us get involved in the great parenting debate over what gender is more challenging to raise that we are in danger of overlooking a more serious issue: what is the best way to bring boys up to be honorable and respectful men? I speak from experience, not only as a mother of two boys (and two girls) but also as a psychologist who has spent decades working with boys and men. While...

We have all experienced heartbreak at some point in our life. Betrayal, rejection and abandonment might have been among the reasons behind it and at those times, it’s tempting to question our commitment and promise ourselves that we will never allow ourselves to get hurt again. When we do that, we hold on to the anger, unconsciously wanting those who hurt us to feel the same pain. A the same time, we use that anger...

The world we live in today is not conducive to mental health or wellbeing. We are constantly bombarded with images and information through our numerous devices and the divide between work and life seems to be a thing of the past. Just when we thought we could not take any more stress or cope with any more demands, we found ourselves in a global pandemic. We were expected to change how we worked, how we...

No one would be surprised to hear that we are currently in a “catastrophic sleep-loss epidemic,” a statement made by sleep researcher Matthew Walker, long before COVID-19 came on the scene. The Center for Disease Control in the US declared insufficient sleep a ‘public health concern’ many years ago and neuroscientists and psychologists alike have made sleep a focus of study over the last decade due to the number of links being documented between poor...



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