world a better place

How do you actually make the world a better place?

How do you make a difference in the world? How do you actually bring about a change for the better? How do you do good things?  We asked three UAE residents how they implemented their ideas for bringing change not only to their own lives but also to the lives of others. Tatiana Antonelli Abella is the founder of Goumbook, an information resource on how to live in a greener, more eco-conscious way. After losing

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Made in the UAE

UAE food companies keeping it local

There is a growing movement in the UAE toward food that is locally-made and locally-grown where at all possible. All very commendable – and all very challenging when you live in a desert country like the UAE, which relies heavily on imports. But that hasn’t stopped these enterprising foodies from striving to make “Made in the UAE” a byword for “delicious.”  Former economic analyst Justine Corrado launched Basiligo, her food delivery business, in 2014 because

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beyond movember

Beyond Movember: Mental health advice men need

The Movember movement was a big step forward for men’s health – but what about the rest of the year? There still remains a stigma attached to men seeking professional help for their health problems, whether physical or mental. A new generation is now trying to change that, encouraging men to take care of their bodies and minds all year round and teaching their sons to do the same. “There’s a bit of denial and fear,”

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reduce your waste

7 ways to reduce your household waste

There’s no polite way to say this: residents of the UAE are a bunch of wasters. The country is sitting on an ever-growing mound of trash.  The UAE imports a whopping 80 to 90 percent of its food – and then throws away as much as a third of it, unused. The country ranks highly in plastic usage, using most of it just once.  The environment is in peril and so are we if we

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cutting edge of wellness

3 wellness trends to try

Like everything else, wellness has its trends. There’s fasting and Fitbits and every kind of diet under the sun, all claiming to transform your health and your life. But which are the ones that work and which are the ones that disappoint? Earlier this year at the first-ever Livehealthy Festival, three experts assessed three of the most popular current wellness trends. Intermittent fasting To fast intermittently means you must consume your daily calorie intake within

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Related Stories is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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