Emile Zarife is a Middle Eastern man

The LiveHealthy Podcast
The LiveHealthy Podcast
Emile Zarife is a Middle Eastern man

Emile Zarife is a former women’s magazine fashion editor turned renaissance man: he blogs in Arabic at Anasharqi.com – “I’m Middle Eastern” – as well as to 45k plus followers on Instagram about fashion, fitness, wellness and mental health. Livehealthy editorial director Ann Marie McQueen spoke to Esquire magazine’s Best Dressed Man about what it means to be a Middle Eastern man in 2023 and much much more. Highlights: Changing stereotypes of what it means

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Breaking the mental health stigma, with Dr Saliha Afridi

In today’s social media obsessed, politically unstable world, looking after our mental health has never been more important. Dr Saliha Afridi, founder of The LightHouse Arabia, joined the Livehealthy podcast to talk about the best ways to cope with every challenge life throws at us.

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How to help someone who is the target of bullying

Bullying can happen almost anywhere – even among adults in workplaces. But when it comes to children, some of the worst offenses happen in school and online. In a recent study by Cartoon Network Middle East in partnership with YouGov, more than half of parents across the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt said they had seen an increase in “cyberbullying”. Physical appearance, social skills and nationality were the top reasons cited for bullying. The survey

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Livehealthymag.com is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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