
Unpopular opinion: The myth of codependency 

The term codependency gets thrown around when clients come to me with their concerns around relationships. I believe the term is overused and overrated and find it an unscientific term that has the effect of further dividing people who are already lonely and disconnected. Let me explain. The concept of codependency emerged within the addiction field in the 1970’s to describe family dynamics that occurred as a result of substance misuse. However, a major flaw

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Getting to self-love through neuroscience

Many of my clients know the need to move towards “self-love”. Self-love and compassion correlates with higher mental health, positive body image, emotional intelligence as well as motivation, and resilience when coping with stress. It is also frustratingly vague and impossible-seeming to many people. No wonder they have no clue how to get there. Approximately 70 percent of unprompted human thoughts are dedicated to criticizing our own inferiority. Self-criticism is an evolutionary trait to optimize survival

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Related Stories is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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