ice cream

Food Crowd’s homemade ice cream recipe

We are all about moderation here at, and that means indulging in treats from time to time, like homemade ice cream made from the freshest, whole ingredients. Once upon a time you needed a bulky appliance to make ice cream at home, but times have changed. The UAE’s online grocer Food Crowd shows you how. Food Crowd homemade ice cream Ingredients: 4 eggs 100g caster sugar 150ml of whipped double cream 150ml thick natural

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Alfalfa Romeo Sandwich

#recipe: Meet the Alfalfa Romeo vegan sandwich

On World Vegan Day, Dubai’s One Life Kitchen & Cafe shares their recipe for the Alfalfa Romeo sandwich with readers. It is the Dubai Design District eatery‘s best seller, and it is no average sandwich — vegan or otherwise. The Alfalfa Romeo Sandwich Ingredients (makes 1 portion) For the pesto 30g Kale 10g Almonds 80ml Olive oil 5g Garlic For the Hummus 1 Large beetroot Juice from 1 lemon 410g Canned chickpea drained 30ml Tahini

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Related Stories is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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