back to normal

How to deal with ‘back to normal’ anxiety

The majority of us have experienced tremendous changes to our lives due the spread of Covid-19 all over the world. We have been forced to lock ourselves in at home and to manage our lives with limited access to the outside world. After three months of this, the UAE is reducing restrictions on movement. But now many people are feeling anxious and distressed at the idea of going back to work and resuming their pre-Covid

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workplace stress

How to deal with going-back-to-work stress

There’s nothing like a bad work situation to trigger a downward spiral. As the UAE’s workforce prepares to head back to work, the responsibilities, pressure and stress of the workplace are rushing back, too – with the added element of job insecurity. Resha Erheim, a Canadian certified counsellor based at the Camali Clinic in Dubai talks about how to deal with workplace stress, anxiety, lack of confidence and bullying, whether from a colleague or your

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6 ways to cut through Covid-19 stress

Reem Shaheen, psychologist and founder of Be Psychology Center in Dubai, has some simple tips to help us deal with all the uncertainty, helplessness and stress we are feeling about Covid-19. Develop a structure to your day. A lot of people are being asked to work from home, children and teachers are not going into school so your usual daily routine is gone. Try and give structure to your day by dividing up the time

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7 big health and fitness trends for 2020

The UAE has seen exponential growth in the health and fitness industry over the last few years and it shows no sign of slowing down. We asked a woman who is always ahead of the curve – personal trainer, nutrition coach and fitness journalist, Devinder Bains – to talk us through the big health and fitness trends for 2020: all the new classes, gadgets and foods that we’ll be loving as we enter the new

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Cigna Stress Portraits

World Mental Health Day: Dangers of stress in the UAE

Mental stress echoes physical stress in our body. So why do we seem to care so little about our mental health? And when we do wake up, how can we start to feel better? Ricardo Vargas used to be extremely stressed. An aspiring New York-based actor, the American pushed his body to the limits with fitness.  When he turned 33, Vargas became tired of the constant stress-related suffering. The regular anxiety attacks were affecting everything.

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Related Stories is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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