Srinivas Bhat, Kamalaya Wellness

Why the secret to happiness is paying attention to your emotions   

Srinivas Bhat is a life enhancement mentor at Kamalaya, a wellness retreat located on the island of Koh Samui in Thailand. Hailing from India, Bhat was a monk for 14 years and he is trained in esoteric meditations, spiritual philosophy and helping people manage their emotions. Drawing on his profound understanding of life and the human mind, he helps people realize their full potential. Bringing almost 30 years of experience, he offers both online and

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Enough already. It’s time to meditate

The pursuit of health and fitness has taken centre stage in many people’s lives but often the focus remains on the external. Meditation has been offering a path toward internal harmony for millennia, bringing those who practice it a powerful understanding of self that has far-reaching positive consequences.  At its core, meditation is an inward odyssey, where one learns to observe the inner workings of their mind without judgment. It encourages those practicing to be

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Related Stories is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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