stress diabetes

Unravelling the stress-to-diabetes domino

The shadow of diabetes looms large across the sun-soaked dunes and bustling cities of the UAE, with 19 percent of the population already afflicted and many more skirting the periphery of pre-diabetes, unaware of the tsunami of health risks awaiting them. In this landscape of prosperity, the silent yet profound impact of stress weaves its narrative, casting a domino effect that topples well-being and stirs the specter of metabolic dysfunction. Against this backdrop, more attention

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7 ways to improve your gut health 

Recent research shows that gut health is linked to a wide range of issues: depression, thyroid disorders, skin conditions, Type 2 diabetes and many other physical and mental ailments.  “Your gut is your second brain,” explains Dr Saliha Afridi, clinical psychologist and managing director of The LightHouse Arabia. “It is full of a network of nerves — called the enteric nervous system — that extends along the entire digestive tract from the esophagus, through the stomach

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Let yoga help you move through Ramadan

There are many reasons why yoga has kept people calm and centered for thousands of years. Known for its numerous physical and mental benefits, yoga’s slow paced, meditative and restorative nature also makes it the ideal exercise to do when fasting. Here’s why if you haven’t started, Ramadan might be the perfect time. Relieve stress Yoga and meditation, coupled with appropriate medical care, can help a person navigate out of a dark place. When you are feeling lost,

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Related Stories is for every body and mind in the UAE. This magazine is all about moderation, making small changes, little additions and the odd subtraction.



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